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Follower of Jesus. Aspiring Nurse. YouTuber (lol). Blogger (lol). America's Best Shower singer. Ex-Religious. Ex-churchgirl. Ex-Pharisee.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Praying in the Spirit & Major Life Decisions

Recognizing more and more that major issues/temptations inundate me in a cyclical way. Example: Seemingly every year, the month of April and May are major life decision months. Uncertainties of life heighten and become potential triggers of anxiety, worry, and doubt... but I refuse to stagger! I will trust in the Lord. I will be anxious for one thing: Nothing. Truth promises that if I present my requests to God, with thanksgiving, I will receive peace...peace that doesn't make sense to my logical mind. God's peace leads me into a quiet-knowing of what to do, what decisions to make.

I'm realizing, as well, in the midst of the storms of the unknown, praying in the spirit has become an effective weaponry against the enemy, and just a great delight in general. Why didn't I invest more time in praying in the spirit before? Ignorance (I guess). Praying in the spirit has definitely been an ingredient in my quiet time that has hastened my awareness that God is listening to my prayers; that what I'm prayer for is fervent and effective; and that what I'm receiving is Truth, edifying, and beneficial. I feel prodded to become like Christ -- holy. As well, I sense such a desire to be truly submitted and broken before my creator.

Father, help me with major life decisions: job, ministry, love, school. Make your way plain for me to follow.

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