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Follower of Jesus. Aspiring Nurse. YouTuber (lol). Blogger (lol). America's Best Shower singer. Ex-Religious. Ex-churchgirl. Ex-Pharisee.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Life Decisions, Timing, Waiting, ....and also Just Enjoying the Journey.

Heard a really cool rhema/figurative word from a brother the other day... he was describing how his Father wanted to encourage him through the image of a sailboat with its sails up and the wind blowing it towards its destiny. This image was a much needed reminder to the brother (and others like myself) of the duality between our responsibility and Father's responsibility to accomplish our calling in life (or one could say our dreams, aspirations, life goals, etc.) The major distinction made was how no one can boast in the speed at which one's sailboat travels because it is inherently the wind that makes the boat move; all a person has to do is put up the sails...and then some: enjoy the view!

This imagery of a sailboat being aligned aright - to the destiny God has for us is not novel; I've heard it before (as I'm sure others have too). However, here's the clutch (as is always): how do I live like that? How do I put my "sails up" and trust that Father is going to push me at the right speed and fulfill my destiny? All of it sounds poetically pleasing and abstract..and yet, all of it sounds spiritually concrete...My heart is really encouraged with that image.

...Coming to terms with the reality that in the next 21 days I have to make some decisions. Some of them are easy... moderate.. some hard. Some of them I 'm just plain-out scared to choose. But with some I know there's a just waiting involved because I know once I choose I will have to wait... ....and waiting is not my forte. I'm asking for help in discerning timing on some serious stuff. Holy spirit please help.

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