About Me

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Follower of Jesus. Aspiring Nurse. YouTuber (lol). Blogger (lol). America's Best Shower singer. Ex-Religious. Ex-churchgirl. Ex-Pharisee.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just the Beginning

Alright, what other Jamaican has started a blog spot...But I guess I'm a bit of a maverick too. ha.

So why did I start this blog? Couple of reasons surface to mind:
1 - Why not try a new way of expressing my life, epiphanies, and pithy observations that I realize along the way... especially my encounters with the Truth.
2 - Why not try new ways of sharing this life with others... (that's if someone else will read this; if not, at least, maybe my own children one day will get to capture a piece of their mother's life as a youth).
3 - I kind of want to step out of a box... hopefully not into another one. (Oh God, deliver me from all forms of smugness and complacency out of my life. Use ppl through this site to challenge me out of my own "boxes.")
(*Operative definition of "Boxes" could be anything like life routines that limit you from maximizing the adventure we are all meant to enjoy.)

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