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Follower of Jesus. Aspiring Nurse. YouTuber (lol). Blogger (lol). America's Best Shower singer. Ex-Religious. Ex-churchgirl. Ex-Pharisee.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What? Huh? I owe how much money??!!!?

Is it just me or does it seem like no one cares for good, quality customer service anymore?

...Logged onto my faithful "MyTMobile.com" website the other day. Ready to pay my normal amount of $70-$90 range for cell phone service. Only to find an uninvited bill of $456....WHAT!!!???? Huh??!!!!? "Who hacked into the computer and is messing with my billing statement?" "....not a funny prank" are the first thoughts running in my mind. The bill was an assault on my regular, average payments of $85/month. And I was angry.... no joke.

....First emotional reactions: "I'll deal with this later."
Then next week's thoughts: "Wait a minute, those minutes weren't all my fault."
Then this week's mind-games: "What happened to courtesy messages telling me when I go over?"

Cell phone companies and others like them are a TRIP! (No, not the kind that you go on with families;I'm talking ghetto, African-American vernacular, slang term for something/someone who is a nuisance to the human soul). Check this out: I pay my bill on-time regularly for the past 7 months....and I can't even get a phone call, email, or text message from somebody at T-mobile headquarters about my exceedingly and abundantly generous contribution to the profit-pockets of T-Mobile execs about my usage of their service? ....And God was displeased because He saw that there was no intercessor... no one to intervene on behalf of His people.

Boy, ain't nothing like starting your holiday season off with a good ol' cup of BILLS.
...tis' the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la- la- lah. lol.

And then the redemptive thoughts surface.... the thoughts that are good, right,
true and balanced. The thoughts that are pure; not coming from a disgruntled place.
But from a place of desiring more out of life and the "rightness" of life.
...and here they are:
Gayon Bramwell is going to pay this bill.
And T-Mobile is still a good company.
I will learn from this scenario several things:
1 - If you decrease your cell phone plan, stay aware of your minutes like white on rice.
2 - If your phone malfunctions, call a CSR asap. Make sure they record that.
3 - If you think you're going over minutes, call asap and make provisional modifications.
(Your company should be willing to help.)
Second batch of thoughts:
I cannot afford to live unbudgeted and unaccountable for my actions.
I am paying over $400 for a CELL PHONE... a CELL PHONE.
Kids in Africa don't even CARE about cell phones....who's caring about CELL PHONES
when there AIN'T NO WATER!!!
Who's to care about CELL PHONES in CAMBODIA when
you're being KIDNAPPED into BROTHELS!!!
Who's caring about minutes and text charges in South America when there's
hardly any shelter from the rain and cold...
More Gosh.
The point isn't for me to be self-deprecating, but this:
I have the luxury of being able to not only pay for my needs and wants,
but also for my stupid overage charges -- stuff that I don't need or want,
but that I incur.
Wow. Here goes the epiphany:
...thank you God.
I will give you thanks in ALL circumstances.
and in this one, I may not have lived within budget, but
I still have the money to pay my bills and on-time.

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