There are so many dreams, desires, good-healthy-holy passions in me, that I'd readily concede that blogs have their place. (Ofcourse, totally subsidiary to intimate blogs to God, and quality blogs with people, don't get me wrong.)
Past few days have been just the good ol' life with Him and family at play. Strived to work a bunch on Friday and rest on Saturday... Saturday was great. Heavenly. Quality time with Him was incroyable (as the French would say) and time with my roommates was refreshing. Took a nap and loved it. Then I worked until the wee hours of Sunday morning (yea, I know, still don't have the whole Sabbathing discipline down yet...) Sunday played out well too. Got morning time with Him. Time to serve with family. Received urgings to seek more of Heaven on earth despite my frustrations and then came home and did my online tests for the two classes I'm taking: Human Nutrition and General Psychology. Quite a weekend.
Here's what I'm seeing: He is changing and has changed me. My life compass has been set: To love Him, see Heaven on earth, obey Him, and encourage the heck out of others to follow. It's amazing to see the fingerprint of The Architect on my life in just the blueprint of what He wants to do in me. What am I talking about?...... My desires have changed into holy ones. I really have surrendered and renounced an American Dream for Heaven's Dream. I really do envision life in true relationship with HIM - THE ONE- THE ONLY GOD, and life in genuine relationship with people. I desire my money (budgeting, spending, saving, and giving) to make it alarmingly clear that He will return and will Judge and that I love HIM so much, the least I could do is honor Him through finances. I desire my career choice to be another expression of God loving people through me and me using my resources to love the least and the marginalized.
Now see, I am a desirous person. And in the midst of having so many selfish desires in the past, I can see that my heart has truly been changed and fascinated by God, because NOW I see His desires have become my ambition. His goals, my pursuit. His affections, my delight. His testimonies, my heritage. His commands, my light. His Truth, my standard. His voice, my entertainment. His sacrifice, my cross.
In fewer words, I thank God for the quick epiphanies of how He's changed my character.....and for me, its clear: I am not my own....He lives in me. God make me humbly holy.
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