...Moses, take off your shoes, for the place in which you stand, is holy ground. What is God saying? Why does he tell us to do things that don't make sense to the natural mind? What other things in life are like "taking off my shoes" in the 21st century? In what ways have I kept my shoes on?
I'm becoming more convinced that holiness happens more inevitably when we readily obey God in the intimacy of friendship, taking His written word seriously, assessing all that is dark or disharmonious with His truth and making it align to His Spirit and Truth.
I want to be holy.
A very freeing thought that I ponder several times a week: God delights in having mercy on us and making us holy. He just does. He loves being patient with us through the journey.
I want to be holy, not religious, not grandstanding piety.
But holy.
Set apart and raising a standard.
Where the mind of Christ flows unhindered through me.
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