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Follower of Jesus. Aspiring Nurse. YouTuber (lol). Blogger (lol). America's Best Shower singer. Ex-Religious. Ex-churchgirl. Ex-Pharisee.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Reflection on February 2009

Recently sent an accountability reflection of my life to a mentor/leader of mine... and naturally, so many thoughts flood my mind concerning my character. I wonder many times in a year: "Is it just me or does anyone else struggle with self-discipline?" I once said to a friend how self-discipline is not so much how well I meet deadlines for a job, for school, or paying bills; for me, its the depiction of how well I regulate myself in my leisure time. Ofcourse, there's no-schedule, no-commitment, do-whatever-you-want days, but concerning the things that are important to be done: Am I doing them well when I have free time? Let's get concrete. I'm talking, things like early-rising, sleeping well, exercising, eating healthy, and of primary concern: getting to really know God.

The trajectory of my life has been set.... I desire heavenly luxuries in earthly settings. Living by faith requires much more discipline than I thought. And seeing the unseen requires much more mind-renewal than I learned in spiritual grade school...and yet, I feel like I'm still there: spiritual grade-school....but you know what!? Its the best school in town! No educational budget-cuts here! Back to the issue: I want to be a disciplined young woman. With God's help, I will.

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