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Follower of Jesus. Aspiring Nurse. YouTuber (lol). Blogger (lol). America's Best Shower singer. Ex-Religious. Ex-churchgirl. Ex-Pharisee.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Training to Rest requires Work, doesn't it?

Was reading alot of the history of my spiritual family. Found it wonderful to see God reveal Himself to my great-great-great-great grandfather Izzy, grandmothers, great-uncles, etc. He shows up, makes promises to deliver one thing...and then totally OVERdelivers on His promise (in my eyes, at least)....and then, in the midst of the journey from point A to point B, He's like totally teaching them how to live (work, relate to others, follow a diet, obey commands, perform justice). I find intriguing, though, this one command: to Rest. "But God, aren't we trying to get somewhere? Wouldn't it be wiser to keep working, moving forward, not stopping for sheer leisure? Can't we get more done in less time?" .....No, no, no.... On the seventh day, in fact, on the seventh year, just rest....

I find it amusing that with all the vision one may have, passion pent-up inside, the assertiveness to succeed and do, perform, act, progress, keep on' keepin-on... in the midst of this DRIVE within our hearts, we are commanded to rest. Its not a suggestion, a recommendation, nor a request. Our Creator tells us, up-front, bold and clear: Rest yo'self. "Mi seh fi 'top di workin an sit down" (as mi yawdies would say). God, you intrigue the heck out of me.

This past week, and last, I made an effort to Sabbath... to really push in honoring God at work, at home, and resting on the 7th day....and it was good. Ofcourse, the question pops to mind: Can I maintain this sort of discipline? With God's grace, I will [train, as Ortberg puts it]. Abba, make me a woman who knows how to rest and enjoy not only obeying your command, but also enjoy your heart in that command.

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